

Trailer for Human Wild,
A film by Marthe Thorshaug, 2020


Available until 24 November

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Human Wild

Human Wild is an homage to the relationship between humans and other-animals, focusing on subtle everyday situations where instincts are activated. The wolf was the first other-animal humans started living with. The wolf and the human helped each other by hunting and sharing the meat afterwards. When a pack of dogs are sharing a big chunk of meat, they do not jump headfirst over the meat. The pack has rules for who can eat first, and who has to wait. Yet, in watching Human Wild we are reminded that we are animals, and that we don’t know animals well. In the film, we follow a pack of humans encountering other-animals. Six people are gathered in a class-like scenario to explore their animal instincts. But when the humans meet a real wolf pack and fear sets in, what happens then?

Marthe Thorshaug

Stills from Human Wild

Available until 24 November

HUMAN WILD (Full Film)

Human Wild
A film by Marthe Thorshaug
Year of production: 2020
Length: 48 minutes
Format: Digital Cinema 4K
Sound: 5.1 and stereo

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